Saturday, January 13, 2007

A happy week... you can see from the picture...I finally figured out how I can combine my love of art and coffee!!! Needless to New Year resolution of cutting down on coffee has failed miserably!!

I had a lovely week...Monday evening I invited a good friend round for coffee (see coffee again!!).. She has two little boys under 5 and is always on the we spent a couple of hours...with soft lights...scented candles and Ella Fitzgerald playing the background. It's amazing how much you can share with another person in such a short space of time. Tuesday evening was spent with my group of amazing friends - unfortunately for them I was on the cooking rota (poor things!). I managed to rustle up a reasonable stir fry and crusty bread...someone else came with a dessert and someone else with the wine. Wednesday evening I saw my niece for a little while and Thursday I went to hear a wonderful speaker we'd seen this year at the Greenbelt Festival in Cheltenham. Last night...I did absolutely NOTHING!! Ahhhh....a good was yours??

Until next time...

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